Drupal Day 1

Last Updated on June 15, 2007 EDT by

So, this is what Day 1 is like. I have a nice theme that I got off the main Drupal site. As you can see its sleep and colorful but not overwhelming. Aside from messing with the general configuration of Drupal, there is a lot more you need to do to make it even remotely functional/organized.

Lets take categories for instance. At first I didn’t know exactly how these worked. However after some playing around, and further posting. I was able to separate my blog entries and the HOWTO’s. I just create a new Category for each, and then provide terms to place them under which is a great feature.

After playing around with Drupal, I decided to try and find a howto/article module. I searched and found one, its just called ‘article’. It doesn’t look to be user contributed, but rather from a developer. Possibly a core developer? Who knows, but it is also working great. You can access it on the side menu, or click http://geektank.net/article

As you can see I haven’t actually wrote an article. However that will soon change. For now I like Drupal, its easy to post and it looks good. The template may need to change or I might just have to put more content in it, as of now its a blank piece of paper with a nice border.

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