sold for $400,000

I got this link from a friend over MSN, interesting read, almost over a million dollars spent on domains. Rick Latona of went on a spending spree this week and more than half a million dollars later he was the proud new owner of ($400,000), ($57,000), ($30,000) and ($12,500). The first three names all landed on the top half of our new Top 20 chart and just missed making the Big Board. All four names were acquired in private transactions. In addition to being the biggest sale reported this week, is the 6th biggest sale reported so far in 2007. You can read the full article here at

I got this link from a friend over MSN, interesting read, almost over a million dollars spent on domains.

Rick Latona of went on a spending spree this week and more than half a million dollars later he was the proud new owner of ($400,000), ($57,000), ($30,000) and ($12,500). The first three names all landed on the top half of our new Top 20 chart and just missed making the Big Board. All four names were acquired in private transactions. In addition to being the biggest sale reported this week, is the 6th biggest sale reported so far in 2007.

You can read the full article here at

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