SueTube: sex, copyright, and rock & roll

Give this a gander. All of the current lawsuits against YouTube/Google, when they started taking down videos of Russel Peters and other popular shows. I cried. SueTube: sex, copyright, and rock & roll – Since its launch, YouTube has been a magnet for controversy. Ars looks at the popular video site’s history of threats, lawsuits, and bans with an eye towards understanding what the landscape will look like once the dust settles. Read More… [Ars Technica]

Give this a gander. All of the current lawsuits against YouTube/Google, when they started taking down videos of Russel Peters and other popular shows. I cried.

SueTube: sex, copyright, and rock & roll

Since its launch, YouTube has been a magnet for controversy. Ars looks at the popular video site’s history of threats, lawsuits, and bans with an eye towards understanding what the landscape will look like once the dust settles.

Read More…

[Ars Technica]

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