800 Break-ins at Dept. of Homeland Security

Wow, this is not cool at all. And to think how much information could already be floating around the internet. “Im in ur Homelands Sekcuritys looking at ur filez”. 800 Break-ins at Dept. of Homeland Security – WrongSizeGlass writes “Yahoo is reporting about the computer security nightmare going on at the Department of Homeland Security. Senior DHS officials admitted to Congress that over a two year period there were 800 hacker break-ins, virus outbreaks and in one instance, hacker tools for stealing passwords and other files were found on two internal Homeland Security computer systems. I guess it’s true what they say … a mechanic’s car is always the last to get fixed.” Read more of this story at Slashdot. [Slasdot]

Wow, this is not cool at all. And to think how much information could already be floating around the internet. “Im in ur Homelands Sekcuritys looking at ur filez”.

800 Break-ins at Dept. of Homeland SecurityWrongSizeGlass writes “Yahoo is reporting about the computer security nightmare going on at the Department of Homeland Security. Senior DHS officials admitted to Congress that over a two year period there were 800 hacker break-ins, virus outbreaks and in one instance, hacker tools for stealing passwords and other files were found on two internal Homeland Security computer systems. I guess it’s true what they say … a mechanic’s car is always the last to get fixed.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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