Firefox Extensions Waiting to Be Exploited

With anything that is open source, bugs and exploits will be found. However, this makes it easy for developers to patch these issues. As they know the code that is causing the problem, and usually the hacker will provide a patch for them that just needs to be reviewed. However, this is a real concern for myself, since I use over 10 FireFox extension. Firefox Extensions Waiting to Be Exploited – Do you think you are safe with Firefox? In general, I would agree with you. But at the same time, I would also point out that there is a fairly sizable security concern that may be addressed, as effectively as some security experts might like. It’s called the Firefox extension. [WArp2Search]

With anything that is open source, bugs and exploits will be found. However, this makes it easy for developers to patch these issues. As they know the code that is causing the problem, and usually the hacker will provide a patch for them that just needs to be reviewed. However, this is a real concern for myself, since I use over 10 FireFox extension.

Firefox Extensions Waiting to Be Exploited – Do you think you are safe with Firefox? In general, I would agree with you. But at the same time, I would also point out that there is a fairly sizable security concern that may be addressed, as effectively as some security experts might like. It’s called the Firefox extension. [WArp2Search]

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