How To: Make a room look bigger

How To: Make a room look bigger – Your room or office the size of a broom closet? Weblog freshome offers tips for “fooling the eye” and making a room look bigger. Strategies include picking the right paint color, reducing furniture (or replacing items with multi-function pieces), and the strategic use of mirrors. Glass tabletops help, too. 5 Tips for Fooling the Eye and Making a Room Look Bigger [freshome] [LifeHacker]
How To: Make a room look biggerlivingroom.jpg

Your room or office the size of a broom closet? Weblog freshome offers tips for “fooling the eye” and making a room look bigger. Strategies include picking the right paint color, reducing furniture (or replacing items with multi-function pieces), and the strategic use of mirrors. Glass tabletops help, too.


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iriver’s UNIT2 detailed on teaser site

One of the sexist and functional MP3 devices I've seen yet. The iPod had its time, and even the smallest iPod is really sexy. But this is just over the top.
iriver's UNIT2 detailed on teaser site -

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Mmm, there's nothing like fragmented high-resolution photos of a lust-worthy device to get us salivating, and iriver's marketing department has done an exquisite job figuring that out. Shortly after unveiling the sexiest e-dictionary known to man, the much anticipated UNIT2 conglomerate received its own teaser site, complete with photos and a few extra details you should know. While it has yet to lose its mystique, we now know (officially, at least) that the base will act as a DVD player, TV tuner, access point, charging station, hard drive, and a speaker station. Aside from sporting an SD slot and USB connectivity, this beauty will handle music, movies, photos, eBooks, and WiFi streaming without breaking a sweat. Mechanically, you can expect an automatic sliding door, detachable display, slot-loaded CD / DVD deck, and a 78-key controller to manage the fun. No word yet on the price, but be sure to peek the additional photos below.


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NASA funded robots to search for life under Arctic ice

NASA funded robots to search for life under Arctic ice -

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In a mission that is apparently similar to searching for life under the ice of Jupiter's moon Europa (sans the space travel part), three robots are set to start a mission to explore the underwater hot springs under the ice of the Arctic: because someone else did the Antarctic last year. On a 40 day expedition in July, researchers from Cape Cod hope to use three new robotic vehicles -- two that can operate without cables under ice -- to find life that resides in the hot streams along the techtonic boundary between Eurasia and North America. Although the robots can descend over 3 miles under the water working just meters from the bottom to photograph objects and collect samples, the task of the NASA-funded $450,000 Puma and Jaguar robots will be hindered by the rough terrain and their inability to surface through the ice. Sounds like NASA's got quite a while to go until it can submarine around Europa -- they probably won't be able to surface there at all.
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