Last Updated on June 22, 2007 EDT by
At least this is practical, unlike the Mircosoft Touch Screen Table.
Ralph Lauren unveils "touch-sensitive window shopping" in London –Filed under: Displays, Misc. Gadgets
Alright, the whole touchscreen thing is getting a little out of hand. In the latest example of touch-frenzy, luxe clothier Ralph Lauren is converting a large window at its London flagship store into a giant touchscreen shopping experience as part of its Wimbledon marketing campaign. Much like Microsoft’s Big-Ass Table, the 78-inch window is coated with touch-sensitive foil, and the image is beamed onto it by a hidden projector — allowing users to purchase Ralph’s latest duds and even take in a tennis lesson or two. Purchases are paid for via phone or email the next day — so you can’t explain away that $75 pink polo by saying you accidentally brushed the screen.
[Via Switched]
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