Stanford Gets First Sun Blackbox

Stanford Gets First Sun Blackbox – miller60 writes “The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) will be the first end-user to get a Project Blackbox portable data center from Sun Microsystems. The 20-foot shipping container (which will be white, not black) will sit on a concrete pad behind the computer building with hookups to power, a 10-gigabit network connection and a chiller located on an adjacent pad. The ‘data center in a box’ will allow the SLAC to expand its computing capacity even though its existing data center has maxed out its power and cooling.” Read more of this story at Slashdot. [Slasdot]
Stanford Gets First Sun Blackboxmiller60 writes “The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) will be the first end-user to get a Project Blackbox portable data center from Sun Microsystems. The 20-foot shipping container (which will be white, not black) will sit on a concrete pad behind the computer building with hookups to power, a 10-gigabit network connection and a chiller located on an adjacent pad. The ‘data center in a box’ will allow the SLAC to expand its computing capacity even though its existing data center has maxed out its power and cooling.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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