Why Red Hat doesn’t need a deal with Microsoft

This is a good article, talks about RedHat and Microsoft and how RedHat knows whats actually going down. Why Red Hat doesn't need a deal with Microsoft – The trade press reported a lot of rumors this past week about the chances for a patent protection pact between Red Hat and Microsoft similar to the agreements Microsoft negotiated with Novell, Xandros, and Linspire. Red Hat doesn’t appear to be interested in the least. Here’s why. [Linux.com]

This is a good article, talks about RedHat and Microsoft and how RedHat knows whats actually going down.

Why Red Hat doesn't need a deal with Microsoft

The trade press reported a lot of rumors this past week about the chances for a patent protection pact between Red Hat and Microsoft similar to the agreements Microsoft negotiated with Novell, Xandros, and Linspire. Red Hat doesn’t appear to be interested in the least. Here’s why.


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