High-Tech Firms Defeat Foreign Worker Hiring Laws With Fake Want Ads

High-Tech Firms Defeat Foreign Worker Hiring Laws With Fake Want Ads – No American would respond to these ads. If they do, they aren’t qualified. So the company can import and hire a foreigner. [Dvorak]
High-Tech Firms Defeat Foreign Worker Hiring Laws With Fake Want AdsNo American would respond to these ads. If they do, they aren’t qualified. So the company can import and hire a foreigner. [Dvorak]

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Create a Digg site with no programming?

A great article on how to turn drupal into a Digg like clone without any programming. If you've every played with Drupal or are actively using it on your site, like mine. Take a look: http://ventureskills.wordpress.com/2006/12/05/want-to-create-a-site-like-digg-with-no-programming/
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Creative Zen Stone Plus lobbed at consumers

Creative Zen Stone Plus lobbed at consumers -

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It was barely a month ago that Creative pelted the market with its Zen Stone, and now they're rolling out a re-upped and revamped version known as the Zen Stone Plus. While pretty much keeping the form factor the same, Creative has added a blue OLED screen, FM tuner, karaoke mode, and a stopwatch. The capacity has been increased to 2GB, doubling the original Stone's, but the color choices remain the same. Price and release date haven't been mentioned, but you'll know as soon as we do.

[Via epiZENter]


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Final Draft of GPLv3 Allows Novell-Microsoft Deal

Final Draft of GPLv3 Allows Novell-Microsoft Deal - famicommie writes "All of Novell's fingernail biting has been for naught. In a display of forgiveness and bridge building on behalf of the FSF, ZDNet reports that the final draft of the GPLv3 will close the infamous MS-Novell loophole while allowing deals made previously to continue. From the article: 'The final, last-call GPLv3 draft bans only future deals for what it described as tactical reasons in a 32-page explanation of changes. That means Novell doesn't have to worry about distributing software in SLES that's governed by the GPLv3 ... Drafting the new license has been a fractious process, but Eben Moglen, the Columbia University law school professor who has led much of the effort, believes consensus is forming. That agreement is particularly important in the open-source realm, where differing license requirements can erect barriers between different open-source projects.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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