Solar motorbike uses snail shell shape for surface area

Solar motorbike uses snail shell shape for surface area – Filed under: Transportation Powering a car with solar panels is a relatively easy task, but on a motorbike it’s a lot harder to find flat surfaces to catch the sun. That means that a solar powered motorbike has got to look rather odd in order to provide enough surface area for the panels: hence the snail shell-like design of SunRed’s prototype solar powered bike. When (or if) SunRed completes a real world prototype, the bike’s surface area will be 25 square feet, allowing the bike to store enough of the sun’s energy to ride for 13 miles at speeds of up to 30 MPH. The motor is integrated into the wheel too, so there’s no transmission. Once these “green” bike thinkers sort out the problem of running a bike without oil, we hope they’ll move onto making them a little less fugly. It seems like a precedent is being set here. [Via Autoblog Green]   Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life! [EnGadget]
Solar motorbike uses snail shell shape for surface area

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Powering a car with solar panels is a relatively easy task, but on a motorbike it’s a lot harder to find flat surfaces to catch the sun. That means that a solar powered motorbike has got to look rather odd in order to provide enough surface area for the panels: hence the snail shell-like design of SunRed’s prototype solar powered bike. When (or if) SunRed completes a real world prototype, the bike’s surface area will be 25 square feet, allowing the bike to store enough of the sun’s energy to ride for 13 miles at speeds of up to 30 MPH. The motor is integrated into the wheel too, so there’s no transmission. Once these “green” bike thinkers sort out the problem of running a bike without oil, we hope they’ll move onto making them a little less fugly. It seems like a precedent is being set here.

[Via Autoblog Green]


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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!


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