Web 2.0: Apps for the well-organized student

Web 2.0: Apps for the well-organized student – Read/WriteWeb has created a list of their top web applications for students – but honestly, anyone who wants to be more organized could benefit from this list. Many of these have been featured here at Lifehacker central; however, I really like how this list is organized into specific categories: office replacements, taking notes, mind mapping, studying, bookmarking, collaboration, calendars, calculators, and more. Do you see anything missing from this list? Let’s hear it in the comments. Web 2.0 Backpack: Web Apps for Students [Read/Write Web] [LifeHacker]
Web 2.0: Apps for the well-organized studentpencils.png

Read/WriteWeb has created a list of their top web applications for students – but honestly, anyone who wants to be more organized could benefit from this list.

Many of these have been featured here at Lifehacker central; however, I really like how this list is organized into specific categories: office replacements, taking notes, mind mapping, studying, bookmarking, collaboration, calendars, calculators, and more. Do you see anything missing from this list? Let’s hear it in the comments.


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Darpa funds invisible, shoot-through shield

Darpa funds invisible, shoot-through shield -

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In a move seemingly influenced in equal parts by Halo and David Lynch's film Dune, Darpa has announced that it's ponying up $15 million to develop one-way-invisible, self-healing, shoot-through shields for use in urban combat. While the Pentagon's research division acknowledges that there are "significant technical obstacles" in the process, it's fairly gung-ho about developing a technology combining metamaterials, 'coded' obscurant systems, and a bunch of other stuff no one really understands. Trust us, you'll thank them if the Harkonens try and overthrow your spice-mining operation.

[Via Digg]


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QuickPwn Release Allows Fast Jailbreak Of iPhone Firmware Update 2.0.2

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Here is the updated QuickPwn for Windows, wrapped by Poorlad’s GUI. It contains our new bundles for 2.0.2 and we’ve added support for version 2.0 devices which means you can QuickPwn and jailbreak the device if it is running 2.0, 2.0.1 or 2.0.2. Remember this is still beta software, so usual rules apply, no complaints ifanything goes wrong and use the tool at at your own risk! Download here! SHA1 = 8e1ed2ce9e7e473d38a9dc7824a384a9ac34d7d0

Read the full article at blog.iphone-dev.org
Download the new QuickPwn 1.2.0 with the new 2.0.2 bundle.

Thanks for another successful Jailbreak!
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Iran.com sold for $400,000

I got this link from a friend over MSN, interesting read, almost over a million dollars spent on domains.

Rick Latona of DigiPawn.com went on a spending spree this week and more than half a million dollars later he was the proud new owner of Iran.com ($400,000), TrackAndField.com ($57,000), Territory.com ($30,000) and Gutter.com ($12,500). The first three names all landed on the top half of our new Top 20 chart and Gutter.com just missed making the Big Board. All four names were acquired in private transactions. In addition to being the biggest sale reported this week, Iran.com is the 6th biggest sale reported so far in 2007.

You can read the full article here at http://www.dnjournal.com

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