YouTube To Share Revenue With 20-year-old Filmmaker

YouTube To Share Revenue With 20-year-old Filmmaker – destinyland writes “YouTube just has signed a deal to share ad revenue with 20-year-old Brandon Fletcher. YouTube had already said they’d implement revenue sharing this summer, but this indicates they’re willing to put their money where their mouth was. 10 Zen Monkeys has a funny chronicle of Brandon’s enviable march to YouTube money. 9 weeks ago he flew to California to demand YouTube feature his video on their front page. A security guard refused to let him off the elevator — but he made crucial contacts which helped seal the deal 9 weeks later. Taking this business to the next level makes sense in the here and now, when some 70 percent of internet users are streaming video.” Read more of this story at Slashdot. [Slasdot]
YouTube To Share Revenue With 20-year-old Filmmakerdestinyland writes “YouTube just has signed a deal to share ad revenue with 20-year-old Brandon Fletcher. YouTube had already said they’d implement revenue sharing this summer, but this indicates they’re willing to put their money where their mouth was. 10 Zen Monkeys has a funny chronicle of Brandon’s enviable march to YouTube money. 9 weeks ago he flew to California to demand YouTube feature his video on their front page. A security guard refused to let him off the elevator — but he made crucial contacts which helped seal the deal 9 weeks later. Taking this business to the next level makes sense in the here and now, when some 70 percent of internet users are streaming video.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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