Slashdot’s CmdrTaco Looks Back at 10 Years of ‘News for Nerds’

One of the best technology news sites for nerds, this is one of the sites that I check on a regular basis. Slashdot's CmdrTaco Looks Back at 10 Years of 'News for Nerds' – Slasdhot turns 10 this month. The influential “news for nerds” site famous for swamping unsuspecting websites with boatloads of traffic turns 10 in October, and parties are popping up all around the country. Without the influence of Slashdot there would be no Digg. Let’s pay respects. [Digg Main]

One of the best technology news sites for nerds, this is one of the sites that I check on a regular basis.

Slashdot's CmdrTaco Looks Back at 10 Years of 'News for Nerds'Slasdhot turns 10 this month. The influential “news for nerds” site famous for swamping unsuspecting websites with boatloads of traffic turns 10 in October, and parties are popping up all around the country. Without the influence of Slashdot there would be no Digg. Let’s pay respects. [Digg Main]

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Thieves rob Best Buy blind -

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