Corporate critics feel the stinging lash of DMCA misuse

I use to work for an ISP and was head of the Abuse Department. We only really received legitimate DCMA’s that were then handled by legal. We didn’t really seem to get that many DMCA notices, maybe its because we’re a Canadian organization? Corporate critics feel the stinging lash of DMCA misuse – Two recent cases show that companies aren’t always fans of criticism, and some will file misguided DMCA notices and defamation cases to scrub it from the Internet. Read More…

I use to work for an ISP and was head of the Abuse Department. We only really received legitimate DCMA’s that were then handled by legal. We didn’t really seem to get that many DMCA notices, maybe its because we’re a Canadian organization?

Corporate critics feel the stinging lash of DMCA misuse –

Two recent cases show that companies aren’t always fans of criticism, and some will file misguided DMCA notices and defamation cases to scrub it from the Internet.

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