Intel Preps Dual-Core Celeron Microprocessors

I remember the first Celerons or ‘Cellys’ back in the day. Cheap and relatively good for someone who can only work on one task at a time. Not for an uber geek or insane multi-tasker as you would be able to tell whether or not you were using a Celeron by just sitting down and using the PC for 15 minutes. Either way, an affordable alternative to the current Intel Core Duos. Intel Preps Dual-Core Celeron Microprocessors – Multi-core chips are sweeping the processor market and single cores are becoming harder and harder to find. This trend is about to go through the roof while prices plummet to the basement.

I remember the first Celerons or ‘Cellys’ back in the day. Cheap and relatively good for someone who can only work on one task at a time. Not for an uber geek or insane multi-tasker as you would be able to tell whether or not you were using a Celeron by just sitting down and using the PC for 15 minutes. Either way, an affordable alternative to the current Intel Core Duos.

Intel Preps Dual-Core Celeron Microprocessors – Multi-core chips are sweeping the processor market and single cores are becoming harder and harder to find. This trend is about to go through the roof while prices plummet to the basement.

With affordability as the main factor in mind, Intel Corporation plans to release dual-core Intel Celeron microprocessors in the first quarter of next year. Intel’s Celeron E1000 dual-core processors are set to be made using 65nm process technology and are projected to fit into 65W thermal design power envelope. The new CPUs will be drop-in compatible with all platforms that support code-named Conroe processors. Intel plans to describe the new Intel Celeron dual-core processor as delivering “entry multi-tasking experience for value-conscious customers.”

The first Intel Celeron E1200 dual-core processor working at 1.60GHz, utilizing 800MHz processor system bus and featuring 512KB of unified secondary-level cache will emerge in the first quarter of 2008 to target cost-effective desktops. Later during the year Intel plans to add more chips into the Intel Celeron E1000 dual-core lineup, creating a comprehensive family of affordable chips with two processing engines.

News source: Xbit Laboratories

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Foxconn Brings DirectX 10 To The Broke Masses

Foxconn Brings DirectX 10 To The Broke Masses -


So you’ve got your Windows Vista and you want to get a hold of a little bit of that DirectX 10 action, but your bummer of a video card is being a buzz kill? That sucks. You’re supposed to upgrade that, but who’s got that kind of scratch laying around? Those cards cost an arm and a leg and probably some other stuff. Sit down, dweeb, Foxconn’s got you set.

Today the silicon-card maker announced two new cards made for DirectX 10 based around the Nvidia GeForce 8400GS. And they both fall in the sub-$100 category. Sure, that could mean $99.99, but it’s still a good deal. The cards are pretty much the same, though one has 256MB RAM whilst the other has a wimpy 128MB.

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Foxconn Announces Nvidia GeForce 8400GS Cards [ExtremeTech, via Slashgear]

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AMD price cuts

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