Intel X38 motherboards finally begin to surface

Intel’s new motherboard X38 is seeing the light of day. One of the biggest features is the DDR3 support on the board. More details below and within each review of the Asus and MSI version that was reviewed.

Intel’s new motherboard X38 is seeing the light of day. One of the biggest features is the DDR3 support on the board. More details below and within each review of the Asus and MSI version that was reviewed.

Intel X38 motherboards finally begin to surface

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It’s been a tick since we first saw a rig running on Intel’s X38 technology, and while we’ve been expecting a launch for some time now, it seems that a couple of mobo manufacturers are finally helping to (unceremoniously) kick things off. Up first is the Asus P5E3 Deluxe, which of course supports DDR3 1800MHz dual-channel memory, dual PCI Express 2.0 x16 lanes, 802.11n WiFi and an Energy Processing Unit (EPU) that allows the CPU power supply “to be digitally monitored and fine-tuned with improved VRM efficiency in heavy or light loadings.” Additionally, MSI has loosed its X38 Diamond, which throws in its exclusive Circu-Pipe cooling system and Dual-Channel PWM technology. ‘Course, we’d already heard about Gigabyte’s GA-5BXWV-RH mainboard (shown after the jump), but here’s to hoping a few more companies hop on board soon to give potential customers more than a handful of options.

[Via DailyTech]Read – MSI’s X38 Diamond
Read – Asus’ P5E3 Deluxe

Continue reading Intel X38 motherboards finally begin to surface


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