Samsung’s 3G SGH-T639 being sold by T-Mobile

Touted as the first 3G enabled phone for T-Mobiles network. Samsung's 3G SGH-T639 being sold by T-Mobile – This summer, we all got our hopes up when Samsung’s (apparently 3G-enabled) SGH-T639 found its way into the FCC, and now that the handset is reportedly on sale in New York City, it’d be a great time to work yourself into a tizzy once more.

Touted as the first 3G enabled phone for T-Mobiles network.

Samsung's 3G SGH-T639 being sold by T-Mobile – This summer, we all got our hopes up when Samsung’s (apparently 3G-enabled) SGH-T639 found its way into the FCC, and now that the handset is reportedly on sale in New York City, it’d be a great time to work yourself into a tizzy once more. According to PhoneScoop, the 3G-capable T369 is indeed “the first phone to be compatible with T-Mobile’s 3G network, even though the network is not yet up and running.” Oddly enough, Samsung managed to conceal this dirty little secret just yesterday, but now that the truth is out there, all that’s left to do is hope that this release means that T-Mobile’s 3G launch is coming sooner rather than later. [EnGadget]

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