Dell’s Latitude XT up close — a bit too close

The review and pictures of Dell’s first Tablet. The author sum it up stating that the tablet looks like an IBM Thinkpad with its boxiness design.

The review and pictures of Dell’s first Tablet. The author sum it up stating that the tablet looks like an IBM Thinkpad with its boxiness design.

Dell’s Latitude XT up close — a bit too close – Here you go, the up-close shots of Dell’s Latitude XT tablet you’ve been waiting for. Thing is, just like a Sunday afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte, somethings are best viewed from a distance. Dell’s Latitude XT sports enough black boxiness to make ThinkPad owners swoon. Poor souls, Dell may have added a scroll wheel to the XT’s bezel but you’ve still got your crimson-red nipples — let’s call it even, mkay? Biggie pics over at the French site LesDeLLiens just beyond the read link. [EnGadget]

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