NEC’s VersaPro VY10A/C-4 laptop lasts 14.5-hours on a single charge

I would definitely want to have this laptop. Battery life is one of the key reasons why I like laptops, having to pull out the old charger and find a plug in a coffee shop or Bread Garden is not fun. NEC’s VersaPro VY10A/C-4 laptop lasts 14.5-hours on a single charge NEC’s latest VersaPro UltraLite Type VCwon’t appeal to any hardcore gamers or mobile movie cutters, but the casual joe (or jane) will likely find its hardware plenty capable of handling those everyday tasks. What’s more is that this sucka claims a whopping 14.5-hours of life if you utilize the extended battery, which is pretty impressive for a 12.1-incher.

I would definitely want to have this laptop. Battery life is one of the key reasons why I like laptops, having to pull out the old charger and find a plug in a coffee shop or Bread Garden is not fun.

NEC’s VersaPro VY10A/C-4 laptop lasts 14.5-hours on a single charge NEC’s latest VersaPro UltraLite Type VCwon’t appeal to any hardcore gamers or mobile movie cutters, but the casual joe (or jane) will likely find its hardware plenty capable of handling those everyday tasks. What’s more is that this sucka claims a whopping 14.5-hours of life if you utilize the extended battery, which is pretty impressive for a 12.1-incher. Unfortunately, details are fairly slim on actual configurations, but word on the street has the VY10A/C-4 packin’ an Intel U7500 Core 2 Duo processor, 1GB of RAM, a 40GB hard drive and your choice of Windows XP or Vista. Take a look at the oh-so-tough outer shell after the jump. [Via AkihabaraNews]Continue reading NEC’s VersaPro VY10A/C-4 laptop lasts 14.5-hours on a single charge [EnGadget]

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