Air Force to Get “Cyber Sidearms”

Shouldn’t the Air Force have more than this already implemented? Hopefully this software doesn’t take lots of tax money and never go anywhere or even get implemented.

Shouldn’t the Air Force have more than this already implemented? Hopefully this software doesn’t take lots of tax money and never go anywhere or even get implemented.

Air Force to Get "Cyber Sidearms"mlbtaz writes to mention that techs working on Air Force networks will soon be getting “cyber sidearms” to help alert them to potential security breaches. “The tool could be a small piece of software installed on Air Force computers or it could be a simple mechanism for taking a screenshot and relaying it to security experts, said Maj. Gen. William Lord, who will soon take command of the Air Force’s provisional Cyber Command. In an interview this week, Lord said service officials have not made a final decision about which technology they will use for the program. “

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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[Thanks, Simon]


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