Break a Drupal article/node/blog into separate pages using the Paging Module

If you have ever created a blog, node, page within Drupal that is far too long to be on one page. Or if you’d rather have an article split into two pages, then the Drupal Paging module is what you need.

If you have ever created a blog, node, page within Drupal that is far too long to be on one page. Or if you’d rather have an article split into two pages, then the Drupal Paging module is what you need.

Break long pages into smaller ones by means of a “page” tag:

first page here.

second page here.

This module was originally by Marco Scutari, but he claimed not to have time to submit it as a module, so I’ve put this up for him and will work on bug requests for it as time permits.

Then I took a look at it and realized he wasn’t using Drupal’s built-in pager and I saw a couple other ways to clean up the code, so I did that for the 4.7 version.

* Enable paging for the content types you want to use it on, in the paging configuration. (?q=admin/settings/paging). This step is for Drupal 5.x version of module only.
* Then enable the paging filter for the relevant input format, in Input Formats configuration. (usually filtered html; ?q=admin/settings/filters/1).

View the module project on

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