“Hulu” a join venture of NBC and NewsCorp debuts this month

Although this is the first time I’ve heard of Hulu, I’m sure its not the first time most readers have heard of Hulu. A joint venture by NBC and NewsCorp provide its tv shows, moves and mashups of AOL (TWX), Comcast (CMCSA), MSN (MSFT), MySpace, and Yahoo (YHOO). Some of the shows and movies that will be available are shown on Hulu’s main page of their site. Some include Hero’s, Conan, Arrested Development, 24hrs and Battlestar Galactica. I’ve already signed up to be apart of their beta, you can too by visiting their main page at http://www.hulu.com Read the full article at newteevee.com

Although this is the first time I’ve heard of Hulu, I’m sure its not the first time most readers have heard of Hulu. A joint venture by NBC and NewsCorp provide its tv shows, moves and mashups of AOL (TWX), Comcast (CMCSA), MSN (MSFT), MySpace, and Yahoo (YHOO). Some of the shows and movies that will be available are shown on Hulu’s main page of their site. Some include Hero’s, Conan, Arrested Development, 24hrs and Battlestar Galactica. I’ve already signed up to be apart of their beta, you can too by visiting their main page at http://www.hulu.com

Read the full article at newteevee.com

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Western Digital developing 20,000RPM drives

That's right, this isn't a joke.
The new drive will be very similar to the recently-released VelociRaptor, in that it’ll be a 2.5in drive with a custom 3.5in housing built around it. Details are incredibly light at this stage, given that the product is still in development, and we don’t even have a release timeframe at the moment. However, our sources said that the drive will be ‘silent’ – that’s the last thing I would have expected from a drive with platters spinning at 20,000 RPM. Western Digital is apparently working on silencing the beast by improving the housing technology, which will now not just act as a heatsink, but also as a noise cancelling device. We’d also hope that the drive enclosure has some vibration dampening technology as well, because that’s also likely to be a problem given the high spindle speeds.
Now they just need push SATA 6.0Gbit/s onto motherboards http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SATA#SATA_6.0_Gbit.2Fs Full artile at bit-tech.net
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Symantec outgrows underground nuclear bunker

Almost like a RTCW Malware Camp. Would be interesting to see what the bunker looks like.
Symantec outgrows underground nuclear bunker - Symantec has emerged from its bunker in the British countryside, moving its malware-fighting operations from a former U.K. military nuclear shelter to a more conventional office in Reading. The nuclear bunker, with concrete walls and an obscure entrance on a hillside near Twyford, England, was used for one of the company's Special Operations Center (SOC). The regional centers are used by security analysts who are part of the company's Managed Security Services. Companies hire Symantec to help with part or all of their IT security operations.

The nuclear shelter may have been good public relations for a security company, but it wasn't comfortable: It lacked windows and had "sanitation" problems, company officials said. On Wednesday, Symantec offered a tour of its new facility in Reading to journalists, analysts, and customers. The facility, formerly used by storage company Veritas, which Symantec acquired in 2005, has twice as much space as the bunker and was needed to accommodate Symantec's growth.

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News source: Infoworld

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Nokia N95 + RC plane = unlimited DIY aerial photography

Nokia N95 + RC plane = unlimited DIY aerial photography -

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If you've found yourself tempted by other interesting DIY aerial photography rigs, but spent all your dough on the Nokia N95 instead, you may still be able to make a lifelong (or momentary) dream come true. A pioneering lad over at the N95 Blog has suggested that nearly unlimited high-resolution aerial photography can be yours if you're willing to strap your precious handset to an RC plane and get savvy with Pict'Earth software. The application allows users to create a theoretical Google Earth of their own if the existing imagery isn't up to snuff with their personal standards. Still, we'd have to mull this one over mighty hard before attaching such a valuable communicator to a potential death bed, but feel free to let us know how things go if you can muster the courage.

[Via AllAboutSymbian]


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