“Hulu” a join venture of NBC and NewsCorp debuts this month

Although this is the first time I’ve heard of Hulu, I’m sure its not the first time most readers have heard of Hulu. A joint venture by NBC and NewsCorp provide its tv shows, moves and mashups of AOL (TWX), Comcast (CMCSA), MSN (MSFT), MySpace, and Yahoo (YHOO). Some of the shows and movies that will be available are shown on Hulu’s main page of their site. Some include Hero’s, Conan, Arrested Development, 24hrs and Battlestar Galactica. I’ve already signed up to be apart of their beta, you can too by visiting their main page at http://www.hulu.com Read the full article at newteevee.com

Although this is the first time I’ve heard of Hulu, I’m sure its not the first time most readers have heard of Hulu. A joint venture by NBC and NewsCorp provide its tv shows, moves and mashups of AOL (TWX), Comcast (CMCSA), MSN (MSFT), MySpace, and Yahoo (YHOO). Some of the shows and movies that will be available are shown on Hulu’s main page of their site. Some include Hero’s, Conan, Arrested Development, 24hrs and Battlestar Galactica. I’ve already signed up to be apart of their beta, you can too by visiting their main page at http://www.hulu.com

Read the full article at newteevee.com

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TweakVista open beta begins

Having problems with customizing your Vista? Look no further, TweakVista will allow you to do what you want with Vista.
TweakVista open beta begins - Popular tweaking site TweakVista.com and Stardock have teamed up to create a new utility for Windows Vista users called TweakVista. TweakVista allows users to change many low level settings in Windows Vista as well as makes many lesser known settings more user-friendly. The utility has settings for security (to manage the UAC), memory optimization, resource control, start-up management, performance assessments, benchmarks, and integration with TweakVista.com.

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