I stumbled upon a little application called “evtsys” that was created by some Computer Engineering folks at Purdue University. The program runs on Microsft Windows 2000/2003/Vista 32-bit or 64-bit version and sends eventlog messages to a networked syslog server. You can then have syslog either print out the alert or write to a file.
The Eventlog to Syslog utility is a program that runs on Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows 2003 server, and Microsoft Windows Vista, in either 32-bit or 64-bit mode, monitoring eventlog messages. When a new message appears in the eventlog, it is read, formatted, and forwarded to a UNIX syslog server. Depending on the facility and priority of the message and the configuration of the syslog server, the message will be logged to a message file or displayed on the console. The most useful situation is to log ERROR or WARNING messages on a console that will alert the administrative staff when unusual conditions exist on the Windows server. The console ought to be one that the administrative staff monitor regularly.