Have Windows 2003 event viewer alerts sent to a network syslog server

I stumbled upon a little application called “evtsys” that was created by some Computer Engineering folks at Purdue University. The program runs on Microsft Windows 2000/2003/Vista 32-bit or 64-bit version and sends eventlog messages to a networked syslog server. You can then have syslog either print out the alert or write to a file.

I stumbled upon a little application called “evtsys” that was created by some Computer Engineering folks at Purdue University. The program runs on Microsft Windows 2000/2003/Vista 32-bit or 64-bit version and sends eventlog messages to a networked syslog server. You can then have syslog either print out the alert or write to a file.

The Eventlog to Syslog utility is a program that runs on Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows 2003 server, and Microsoft Windows Vista, in either 32-bit or 64-bit mode, monitoring eventlog messages. When a new message appears in the eventlog, it is read, formatted, and forwarded to a UNIX syslog server. Depending on the facility and priority of the message and the configuration of the syslog server, the message will be logged to a message file or displayed on the console. The most useful situation is to log ERROR or WARNING messages on a console that will alert the administrative staff when unusual conditions exist on the Windows server. The console ought to be one that the administrative staff monitor regularly.

Visit the homepage for evtsys

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