Google removes Malware sites from its search index, but why aren’t they looking at the bigger picture?

There is an interesting article posted on titled "Google removes thousands of malware sites". Google has purged its index of suspected sites that propagate malware to anyone that unsuspectingly visits one of the sites in question.

There is an interesting article posted on titled "Google removes thousands of malware sites". Google has purged its index of suspected sites that propagate malware to anyone that unsuspectingly visits one of the sites in question.

Good job Google, and another hats off for also providing a nice little warning about the sites that you suspect of containing malware with a nice little notification. I recently noticed this visiting a site, but it was only once. I appreciate a company that can do this. Average unsuspecting users sometimes don’t really care that much about what they do with their computer, or if they even have the latest updates for their Operating System or Applications . But that’s human nature, and only until something is taken away from these types of users, will it even start to matter to them.But this is just the tip of the ice-burg.

Most of these "malware infested" sites are hosted by hosting companies or Residential/Business ISP’s. These companies don’t always take down these sites or the computers hosting them. The communication between the abuse community and ISP’s is
terrible, and continues to be terrible. Not only are they not taking computers and systems offline that are infected and propagating their infectious parts on the Internet. Companies are standing up for the rights of their users, by asking for court documents instead of seeing the problem and effectively removing it. Sometimes the lack of knowledge by staff will lead to a site staying up for months.

Something needs to be done with regards to the actual hosting of this malware, actively seeking out sites that are carry the malware and then having it removed or the entire site shutdown.



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