QuickPwn release removes the need to do an iTunes restore!

The iphone-dev.org has created a new means of Jail Breaking your iPhone that doesn’t require the need to create a modified .ipsw and process a full restore through iTunes. Its called QuickPwn. News is just out of a new way to jailbreak your iPhone, and this time the tool is specifically designed to work “quickly and easily, without requiring a full restore.” Quickpwn has been released as a beta, intended to complement the main PwnageTool.

The iphone-dev.org has created a new means of Jail Breaking your iPhone that doesn’t require the need to create a modified .ipsw and process a full restore through iTunes. Its called QuickPwn.

News is just out of a new way to jailbreak your iPhone, and this time the tool is specifically designed to work “quickly and easily, without requiring a full restore.” Quickpwn has been released as a beta, intended to complement the main PwnageTool.

Read the full article at gizmodo.com

We’ve got something for you! (No, it’s not the 3G unlock, but still something very useful.)

It’s a tool we’ve been working on to jailbreak a phone more quickly and easily, without requiring a full restore. Unless you are making a custom firmware with specific features, there is nothing inherent in the pwnage process that requires a restore, and we have been planning this tool for some time. It’s more convenient because you do not need to make a full IPSW and use iTunes with it, but your phone still ends up pwned and jailbroken.

In an attempt to be more open about our development process, we’re releasing a beta version of quickpwn, for Windows only. Other platforms are coming soon.

QuickPwn at iphone-dev.org

When I first purchased my iPhone this last Sunday. It did take me over an hour to Jailbreak my phone, trying to get WinPwn at a resonable speed was useless since they only host it on Rapidshare and its god awfully slow with a free account (I shouldn’t complain and buy a Premium Account). I just booted up a borrowed Mac Book Pro (Luckily I had it with me) and just used the PwnageTool, even then it took some time to mod the .ipsw and restore through iTunes.

I’m glad a faster way has been found! And for windows ;D

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