Apples iPhone Firmware 2.0.2 Causes More Issues Than It Fixes

I just saw this article on Slashdot… Slashdot | Apple’s IPhone 3G Firmware Update Bombs Yahoo posted the news article… Apple's iPhone 3G Firmware Update Bombs (NewsFactor) by NewsFactor: Yahoo! Tech Both articles comment on the 2.0.1 firmware. However if you read the original article, it speaks about the new firmware which is 2.0.2 and was released on the 18th. NewsFactor Network | Apple Reportedly Plans Another Fix for the iPhone Either way, I don’t have problems with my phone aside from MobileChat crashing and other Applications as well.

I just saw this article on Slashdot…

Slashdot | Apple’s IPhone 3G Firmware Update Bombs

Yahoo posted the news article…

Apple's iPhone 3G Firmware Update Bombs (NewsFactor) by NewsFactor: Yahoo! Tech

Both articles comment on the 2.0.1 firmware. However if you read the original article, it speaks about the new firmware which is 2.0.2 and was released on the 18th.

NewsFactor Network | Apple Reportedly Plans Another Fix for the iPhone

Either way, I don’t have problems with my phone aside from MobileChat crashing and other Applications as well.

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