QuickPwn Released for Mac OS X

The iphone-dev.org crew has released QuickPwn for Mac OS X, there is a an official torrent for the release. Here is the long awaited “QuickPwn” for Mac OS X. You’ll see a similarity to the user-interface of PwnageTool, this is because of the great feedback we’ve had since we moved to that interface with PwnageTool 2.x.

The iphone-dev.org crew has released QuickPwn for Mac OS X, there is a an official torrent for the release.

Here is the long awaited “QuickPwn” for Mac OS X. You’ll see a similarity to the user-interface of PwnageTool, this is because of the great feedback we’ve had since we moved to that interface with PwnageTool 2.x.

QuickPwn is not a replacement for PwnageTool, they are different tools and provide different features, QuickPwn is for quickly pwning a device, whereas PwnageTool is designed to custom build and tailor the ipsw production process, both tools will be actively developed in the future.

If you are not comfortable using bittorrent, come back in 12 hours and we’ll post a direct link on our server (when the initial rush has died down a bit!)

Read the full blog post at iphone-dev.org

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