Official Jailbreak for iPhone 2.1 Firmware Released OSX Only

There is now an official version of QuickPwn that supports the 2.1 firmware released by Apple on friday. Some of the popular press and blogs have been backing the opposition. 🙂 While criticism and competition is fine it should be reported correctly, with all the facts. and certainly minus the FUD. Do you guys think we are “less and less relevant with each passing day” ? We don’t think so, and we certainly prefer our hacks to theirs. 😉 Though even if the world deems us irrelevant, the iPhone family of devices is still fun to hack!

There is now an official version of QuickPwn that supports the 2.1 firmware released by Apple on friday.

Some of the popular press and blogs have been backing the opposition. 🙂

While criticism and competition is fine it should be reported correctly, with all the facts. and certainly minus the FUD. Do you guys think we are “less and less relevant with each passing day” ? We don’t think so, and we certainly prefer our hacks to theirs. 😉 Though even if the world deems us irrelevant, the iPhone family of devices is still fun to hack!

By the way we figured out a way to combat iTunes 8 without patches…and we’re waiting to see what Apple tries next. But we think they might want to rethink their priorities. They probably won’t though, and so we get back to the “cat and mouse” game between Apple and the Dev Team and third-party communities.

Here are the new versions of PwnageTool and QuickPwn that support the 2.1 firmware. And as we just mentioned, iTunes was not harmed in the process 😉 no patching was required:

The downloads have been released via Bittorrent

PwnageTool 2.1 for Mac OS X via Bittorent – download here
PwnageTool_2.1.dmg = 0b2dcb51e224b12590793e8a758dd80c450e5b64

QuickPwn 1.1 for Mac OS X via Bittorrent – download here
QuickPwn_1.1.dmg = 92487230c66296ec1e414260b5f107e5d351923f

I’ve setup a mirror on an up and coming site I’m developing called iPhone Newbs.


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