How To Remove Public Folder Database When Uninstalling Exchange 2007

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Guide to upgrading Drupal using SSH Commands

A well written guide on how to upgrade Drupal using SSH commands
This guide is meant to augment the official Upgrade guide. Please read the official upgrade steps in UPGRADE.txt as well as in the Dcoumentation thoroughly to ensure that you understand every aspect of the upgrade process. This guide is for more advanced users with SSH experience.
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Mobile Chat When Will it Work?

If you've had an iPhone since the launch of Apples Application Store, then you most likely have bought the app Mobile Chat. I mean who wouldn't, just looking at their features you'd be silly not to pick the only instant messenger on the iPhone. Granted there are Web App versions, but nothing application wise. Here are some of the features.
MobileChat supports the following protocols: * AIM/ICQ/.Mac/MobileME * Windows Live/MSN * Yahoo Messenger * GTalk * Jabber/XMPP Multiple Accounts
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Exim4 and PHP and PHP-CGI mail() function using incorrect From: and applying Sender: headers.

If you're using Exim4 and PHP as a module or as a CGI with suexec. You may have noticed some issues with your mail. Specifically you would have noticed that either the "From:" header was using "nobody@machinename" or "user@machine name, its also possibly that you had an additional header called "Sender:". There are two things you need to do to fix this. You first need to make sure that your "php.ini" has the following value "sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i". Which is the default, double check this variable as it might be set to something else.
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Mobile Chat iPhone Application Updates and News About Latest Release

I was just forwarded a link to the blog of Mobile Chat's company Twenty08's. You can view it here - twenty08. There is some interesting information that was just posted today. Information that a lot of people have been looking for over the last little while after purchasing the Mobile Chat iPhone Application on Apples Application Store. The two recent posts go in depth into some of the problems with the Mobile Chat Application on the iPhone, a new version being released and how they're trying to fix the problems everyone is experiencing.
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SueTube: sex, copyright, and rock & roll

Give this a gander. All of the current lawsuits against YouTube/Google, when they started taking down videos of Russel Peters and other popular shows. I cried.
SueTube: sex, copyright, and rock & roll -

Since its launch, YouTube has been a magnet for controversy. Ars looks at the popular video site's history of threats, lawsuits, and bans with an eye towards understanding what the landscape will look like once the dust settles.


[Ars Technica]
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