Nagios NRPE Disk Check Error on Plesk

If you’re monitoring a server with Nagios NRPE that is running Plesk, you might have run into the following issue. The disck_check command may return the following lovely error message.

DISK CRITICAL – /var/named/chroot/etc/named is not accessible: Permission denied

The fix is rather simple, you just need to modify the /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg file and change your disk_check command to include the following

-x /var/named/chroot/etc/named -x /var/named/chroot/var/named -x /var/named/chroot/etc/named.rfc1912.zones -x /var/named/chroot/etc/rndc.key -x /var/named/chroot/usr/lib64/bind -x /var/named/chroot/etc/named.iscdlv.key -x /var/named/chroot/etc/named.root.key

Which will exclude the chrooted locations that the NRPE daemon doesn’t have access to it.

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