Cyberpanel Openlitespeed Issue with PHP Session Files Cleanup on Ubuntu 18

There’s an issue with the Cyberpanel installation using Openlitespeed on Ubuntu 18 where the PHP session files aren’t removed by the system installed.

You might see issues in your /usr/local/lsws/log/error.log like this


The cause is related to the build of of PHP session files in the /tmp folder, which usually is cleaned out by a cronjob in /etc/cron.d/php that calls /usr/lib/php/sessionclean which of course fails to running correctly due to lsphp nor working as intended.

The solution? Create a cronjob to delete the sess_ files. Here’s an example I found online


Add this code to a file an placed it in /etc/cron.daily, make sure to chmod u+x so its executable.

That’s it!

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