Getting Local Time based on Timezone in AirTable

Last Updated on November 30, 2022 GMT-0800 by Jordan

If you’re using Airtable as a CRM and working with clients in different timezones. You might want to know what their local time is before actioning something perhaps when they’re awake or asleep 🙂

In your Airtable database, create a column called “Timezone” where you’ll put a supported Timezone for the SET_TIMEZONE function. You can see a list of these timezones at the following link

You will then create a new “formula” column and use the following formula.

IF( {Timezone} = BLANK() , "" , DATETIME_FORMAT(SET_TIMEZONE(NOW(), {Timezone} ), 'M/D/Y h:mm A'))

The above code will check if the Timezone field is blank or not, if it’s not blank it will take the current time NOW() and set the Timezone to {Timezone} column and then see the DATETIME_FORMAT.

You should then see the following in Airtable.

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