Samsung’s Sexy Hybrid Hard Drive

Good Idea, but is it practical? Will there really be a difference while booting and loading data? Waiting for Solid State Disk’s will be a better choice, Dell’s new M series laptops will have 32G SSD’s. Samsung’s Sexy Hybrid Hard Drive – No, this hybrid hard drive isn’t actually sexy (though it is topless) and it is difficult to get excited about hard drives in general. But, since Samsung’s still an underdog in the category, the company’s doing its best to innovate the space instead of just cranking out larger sizes (though it did that, too). The 2.5-inch MH80 notebook hard drives feature 256MB of integrated flash memory to help you boot faster (though only about 10 seconds faster), wake from hibernation mode faster and get up to 25 percent more battery life for your laptop (though that’s compared to Samsung’s own M80 HDDs). (more…) [CrunchGear]

Good Idea, but is it practical? Will there really be a difference while booting and loading data? Waiting for Solid State Disk’s will be a better choice, Dell’s new M series laptops will have 32G SSD’s.

Samsung’s Sexy Hybrid Hard Drive

hybridhdd_lg.jpgNo, this hybrid hard drive isn’t actually sexy (though it is topless) and it is difficult to get excited about hard drives in general. But, since Samsung’s still an underdog in the category, the company’s doing its best to innovate the space instead of just cranking out larger sizes (though it did that, too). The 2.5-inch MH80 notebook hard drives feature 256MB of integrated flash memory to help you boot faster (though only about 10 seconds faster), wake from hibernation mode faster and get up to 25 percent more battery life for your laptop (though that’s compared to Samsung’s own M80 HDDs).



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