WWDC Leopard Beta Leaked Onto BitTorrent Site

I haven’t seen this on any private trackers that I’m on. It looks like it hasn’t fully been leaked. Either way, I want to install this and try it out. I am definitely liking OSX more and more as they keep adding features and GUI improvements. WWDC Leopard Beta Leaked Onto BitTorrent Site – It looks like the WWDC beta of Leopard was leaked onto the Oink BitTorrent Web site. (I’m not about to download it, though, that’s for sure.) Here’s a screen shot. And another. And another. That last one made me laugh. Oops! Nobody’s completely downloaded the 6GB file yet, but the site’s forum is red hot with activity and the file already has 205 comments. Choice lines about the leak in recent days have included “this is f*#$ing ridiculous. i want leopard, and i want it now. hurry, before some heads start to roll” and “Please do not talk about this torrent file outside of OINK.” Someone should notify Apple. [CrunchGear]

I haven’t seen this on any private trackers that I’m on. It looks like it hasn’t fully been leaked. Either way, I want to install this and try it out. I am definitely liking OSX more and more as they keep adding features and GUI improvements.

WWDC Leopard Beta Leaked Onto BitTorrent Site


It looks like the WWDC beta of Leopard was leaked onto the Oink BitTorrent Web site. (I’m not about to download it, though, that’s for sure.) Here’s a screen shot. And another. And another. That last one made me laugh. Oops!

Nobody’s completely downloaded the 6GB file yet, but the site’s forum is red hot with activity and the file already has 205 comments. Choice lines about the leak in recent days have included “this is f*#$ing ridiculous. i want leopard, and i want it now. hurry, before some heads start to roll” and “Please do not talk about this torrent file outside of OINK.”

Someone should notify Apple.


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