Want a Google Reader equivalent, then check out Tiny Tiny RSS 1.2.12

When I firsted looked at the this application, I thought it was going to look ugly and have no functionallity. I mean after looking at Google Reader and using it for some time, it really was another good Google Application. And it was made to make it easy to read and sort RSS feeds. One look at the demo, and I was hooked. It has some common features that Google Reader does, starred items and labels. I just wonder if you can plop and authentication/user account creation on it so that you can offer your own branded reader similar to Googles. TinyTiny RSS 1.2.12 Demo! Tiny Tiny RSS 1.2.12 (Default branch) – Tiny Tiny RSS is a Web-based news (RSS, RDF, or Atom) feed aggregator designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes: This release fixes reported bugs, adds the zh_CN translation, and adds various minor improvements. [FreshMeat]

When I firsted looked at the this application, I thought it was going to look ugly and have no functionallity. I mean after looking at Google Reader and using it for some time, it really was another good Google Application. And it was made to make it easy to read and sort RSS feeds. One look at the demo, and I was hooked. It has some common features that Google Reader does, starred items and labels. I just wonder if you can plop and authentication/user account creation on it so that you can offer your own branded reader similar to Googles.

TinyTiny RSS 1.2.12 Demo!

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