Good, but outdated article dealing with SEO and Drupal. I have adopted most of the modules and changes listed on this site. You also want to make sure that you use the Google Webmaster Tools, they’re your friend and will guide you to success.
I began the Devbee website back in March as a way to help others by way of documenting what I have learned about Drupal and also to drum up a little bit of business for myself. The content of this site is extremely targeted, and I don’t ever expect to see more than a few hundred visits a day. This definitely does not reflect the expectations, or at least hopes, of most website owners. It’s typically all about bringing in as many visitors as possible to generate money through advertising or purchases. Sites interested in bringing in large numbers of visitors typically do this by spending a lot of time focusing on “search engine optimization” (SEO). Absolutely nothing can drive traffic to a site like a top placement in the search results on one of the major search engines.
– [DevBee]