PHP Accounts 0.5.1 (Default branch)

This looks to be a brilliant application that allows you to managing you accounting very easily. As a small time contractor, this is the ideal application. PHP Accounts 0.5.1 (Default branch) – PHP Accounts is a simple and easy to use Web-based client and accounts application of particular use to freelancers or consultants. As well as basic management of clients, income, and outgoings, features include Generation of PDF invoices, recording timesheets, CSV export, an invoice wizard for quickly generating client invoices, and automatic email reminders to clients for unpaid invoices. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes: some changes have been added to increase compatibility with more environments. PHP 5 support was tested (slightly). [FreshMeat]

This looks to be a brilliant application that allows you to managing you accounting very easily. As a small time contractor, this is the ideal application.

PHP Accounts 0.5.1 (Default branch)Screenshot
PHP Accounts is a simple and easy to use Web-based
client and accounts application of particular use
to freelancers or consultants. As well as basic
management of clients, income, and outgoings,
features include Generation of PDF invoices,
recording timesheets, CSV export, an invoice
wizard for quickly generating client invoices, and
automatic email reminders to clients for unpaid

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

some changes have been added to increase compatibility with more environments. PHP 5 support was tested (slightly).


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CE-Oh no he didn’t, part XXXV: NBC sez piracy hurts ‘corn growers’

CE-Oh no he didn't, part XXXV: NBC sez piracy hurts 'corn growers' -

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Although some may argue that piracy is (at least on some level) beneficial, it looks like NBC has taken that sentiment to the opposing extreme with its latest comments. In a purported filing with the FCC calling for enhanced regulation of the internet in an attempt to stifle evil P2P activity, NBC blurted out a string of text that it surely hoped would be overlooked. Alas, hardly any ridiculous claims go unseen these days, so now we're faced with this gem: "In the absence of movie piracy, video retailers would sell and rent more titles. Movie theaters would sell more tickets and popcorn. Corn growers would earn greater profits and buy more farm equipment." There's absolutely no need for us to pick apart the aforementioned quote, after all, we're fairly certain the absurdity shines right through on its own.

[Via TechDirt, image courtesy of Monsanto]


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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!

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I got this link from a friend over MSN, interesting read, almost over a million dollars spent on domains.

Rick Latona of went on a spending spree this week and more than half a million dollars later he was the proud new owner of ($400,000), ($57,000), ($30,000) and ($12,500). The first three names all landed on the top half of our new Top 20 chart and just missed making the Big Board. All four names were acquired in private transactions. In addition to being the biggest sale reported this week, is the 6th biggest sale reported so far in 2007.

You can read the full article here at

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