iriver W10 revealed on teaser site

iriver W10 revealed on teaser site – Filed under: Portable Audio, Portable Video We’d probably be more inclined to gripe about iriver stringing us along like this — five gadgets, five days, hardly any hard facts — if there wasn’t so much sexy to the devices and photographs the DAP manufacturer is tossing up every 24 hours or so. Today’s gadget is the iriver W10, a slim little touchscreen number we got to play with at CES, which seems to swipe some of the iPhone’s interface ideas for touchscreen VoIP dialing, while still sticking with those WPS (WiFi positioning system) and PDA / e-book / PMP features we heard about before. We wish we had more to tell you, like price or a release date, but two things are certain: iriver seems bent on swiping every gadget dollar we’ve ever stashed, and is singlehandedly keeping the hand modelling industry in business. Gallery: iriver W10 revealed on teaser site   Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life! [EnGadget]
iriver W10 revealed on teaser site

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We’d probably be more inclined to gripe about iriver stringing us along like this — five gadgets, five days, hardly any hard facts — if there wasn’t so much sexy to the devices and photographs the DAP manufacturer is tossing up every 24 hours or so. Today’s gadget is the iriver W10, a slim little touchscreen number we got to play with at CES, which seems to swipe some of the iPhone’s interface ideas for touchscreen VoIP dialing, while still sticking with those WPS (WiFi positioning system) and PDA / e-book / PMP features we heard about before. We wish we had more to tell you, like price or a release date, but two things are certain: iriver seems bent on swiping every gadget dollar we’ve ever stashed, and is singlehandedly keeping the hand modelling industry in business.


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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!


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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!

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Creators Of Mobile Chat For the iPhone Twenty08 Hires AplloIM Developer

If you bought the iPhone when it first came out, you had two choices for Instant Messaging. Twenty08's MobileChat and Alex Schaefer's ApolloIM. Twenty08 has now hired Alex Schaefer to work exclusively on MobileChat
twenty08 would like to formally welcome aboard…Alex Schaefer. Many of you may know him as the founder of the world’s first Native iPhone IM Application, ApolloIM. ApolloIM was an amazing application and during it’s run, MobileChat and Apollo stood head to head and constantly battled to create the better app. (Friendly war of course!) The best part about it was that no one won! Only our respective users benefited from the friendly competition, and you can’t ask for anything better than that as far as I’m concerned. Now with Alex working on our side, we believe that MobileChat will be able to rise up and regain its glory as the number one iPhone application that we all know it can be. He is a very talented developer (plus a great guy) who has already brought some great ideas to the table and we’re all very excited to see our new-found relationship grow.
Read the full article on Twenty08's site. MobileChat's website
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