Man sues over red-light cameras for $3 million

These similar camera’s were installed in the lower mainland. They also had photo radar, which was absolutely insane. They got rid of it a year later. Man sues over red-light cameras for $3 million – Filed under: Digital Cameras, Transportation David A. Czech is crazy upset about tickets, so he’s suing the city of Northwood, Ohio, its police department, and an Arizona-based maker of red-light cameras (which automatically snap photos of traffic violations). The suit alleges that the cameras are part of an “unconstitutional ordinance to extort money” put in place by the city, and Mr. Czech (on behalf of himself and 20,000 other “offenders”) is asking for a $3 million payback and an injunction barring use of the cameras. This isn’t the first case of its kind that we’ve seen — and it undoubtedly won’t be the last, considering the recent spate of these systems being utilized across the nation. [Thanks, Simon]   Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life! [EnGadget]

These similar camera’s were installed in the lower mainland. They also had photo radar, which was absolutely insane. They got rid of it a year later.

Man sues over red-light cameras for $3 million

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David A. Czech is crazy upset about tickets, so he’s suing the city of Northwood, Ohio, its police department, and an Arizona-based maker of red-light cameras (which automatically snap photos of traffic violations). The suit alleges that the cameras are part of an “unconstitutional ordinance to extort money” put in place by the city, and Mr. Czech (on behalf of himself and 20,000 other “offenders”) is asking for a $3 million payback and an injunction barring use of the cameras. This isn’t the first case of its kind that we’ve seen — and it undoubtedly won’t be the last, considering the recent spate of these systems being utilized across the nation.

[Thanks, Simon]


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