BetterAWstats 0.12 ALPHA (Default branch)

BetterAWstats 0.12 ALPHA (Default branch) – BetterAWstats is an Web server log analysis tool that provides better statistics from the data provided by AWstats. It is not a replacement for AWstats. The most significant features are rolling months and days, and support for new types of charts (pie, max/min, etc.). License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes: Last month daily data was fixed for the case where current has no hits. The menu sorting was fixed for vertical layout. A different format for external links is used now. Unknown browsers and OS are now interlinked with respective tables. Slashes in OS icons were fixed. All functions and globals were renamed to baw_* to make sure they work when betterawstats is included into other projects. Highlighting of current month/day was fixed. Var fixes were applied. A configuration option for inclusion in other projects was added. Datelist-creation was improved. [FreshMeat]
BetterAWstats 0.12 ALPHA (Default branch)Screenshot
BetterAWstats is an Web server log analysis tool that provides better statistics from the data provided by AWstats. It is not a replacement for AWstats. The most significant features are rolling months and days, and support for new types of charts (pie, max/min, etc.).

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Last month daily data was fixed for the case where
current has no hits. The menu sorting was fixed
for vertical layout. A different format for
external links is used now. Unknown browsers and
OS are now interlinked with respective tables.
Slashes in OS icons were fixed. All functions and
globals were renamed to baw_* to make sure they
work when betterawstats is included into other
projects. Highlighting of current month/day was
fixed. Var fixes were applied. A configuration
option for inclusion in other projects was added.
Datelist-creation was improved.


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Vision Robotics’ harvesting machines edge closer to the farm

Vision Robotics' harvesting machines edge closer to the farm -

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In just eight short months, the automated harvesting machines at Vision Robotics have apparently come quite a ways. Currently, funding is flowing in from growers' associations who are "very nervous about the availability and cost of labor in the near future," which has allowed the company to move forward in developing a pair of robots to pluck fruit from trees or vines. The duo would work in succession as the first robotic "scout" would scan the area and construct a 3D map with the location of each item that needs captured; the "harvester" would follow behind and pick the fruits that its eagle-eyed teammate mapped out. The firm has reportedly reached the build phase on the complex machines, and while a prototype or two should be ready to rock by next year, we're unlikely to see these go mainstream before the next decade.

[Via Wired]


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