
Crapware: – Preinstalled crapware on new Dell PCs just became optional. CNET News blog reports that Dell now offers a “no software preinstalled” option for consumers. Even better would be if this was opt IN instead of OUT. [LifeHacker]

Preinstalled crapware on new Dell PCs just became optional. CNET News blog reports that Dell now offers a “no software preinstalled” option for consumers. Even better would be if this was opt IN instead of OUT.


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Microsoft flip-flops again: now no Vista Home on Macs

I can't believe this is happening, twice in a week two Microsoft proposed changes to allow more functionality and portability are squashed like a bug. This is not going to make consumers happy, and will drive some of them into Apple's arms, and possibly Ubuntu's.
Microsoft flip-flops again: now no Vista Home on Macs -

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We've seen our fair share of flip-flopping in the past, and Microsoft is yet again adding its name to the frowned upon list by retracting previous intentions to allow Windows Vista Home and Home Premium operating systems to run under virtualization. After reportedly stating that it would "change the EULA after listening to customer feedback on the issue," it appears that the suits in Redmond have thought better of said decision. Now, the firm has "reassessed the Windows virtualization policy and decided that maintaining the original policy announced last Fall" would be best. Ben Rudolph, Parallels director of corporate communications, noted that he was "obviously disappointed" in Microsoft's change of heart, but if the two-faced Mac users out there can persuade Google to take their side, we're sure this little spat could be cleared up in no time.

[Image courtesy of ElliottBack]


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La Fontenna Extends Range Of FON Wireless Goodness -

fontenna.jpegThis is simple really: FON lets you share your wireless Internet connection with FON community members (called Foneros) and in return you get to hop on any other member’s wireless connection free of charge, anywhere in the world. The La Fonera is the specially designed $39.95 Wi-Fi access point that lets you securely share your wireless connection. The $19.95 Lafontenna is a directional antenna that extends your FON Wi-Fi coverage area up to five times farther than the Fonera’s standard range.

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