More Than Half of Known Vista Bugs are Unpatched

More Than Half of Known Vista Bugs are Unpatched – MsManhattan writes “Microsoft security executive Jeff Jones has disclosed that in the first six months of Vista’s release, the company has patched fewer than half of the operating system’s known bugs. Microsoft has fixed only 12 of 27 reported Vista vulnerabilities whereas it patched 36 of 39 known bugs in Windows XP in the first six months following its release. Jones says that’s because “Windows Vista continues to show a trend of fewer total and fewer high-severity vulnerabilities at the six month mark compared to … Windows XP,” but he did not address the 15 unpatched flaws.” Read more of this story at Slashdot. [Slasdot]
More Than Half of Known Vista Bugs are UnpatchedMsManhattan writes “Microsoft security executive Jeff Jones has disclosed that in the first six months of Vista’s release, the company has patched fewer than half of the operating system’s known bugs. Microsoft has fixed only 12 of 27 reported Vista vulnerabilities whereas it patched 36 of 39 known bugs in Windows XP in the first six months following its release. Jones says that’s because “Windows Vista continues to show a trend of fewer total and fewer high-severity vulnerabilities at the six month mark compared to … Windows XP,” but he did not address the 15 unpatched flaws.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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