Featured Linux Download: OS X style widgets with Screenlets

Featured Linux Download: OS X style widgets with Screenlets – Linux only: Open-source app Screenlets runs Mac OS X-style widgets on the Linux desktop. Practically identical to Dashboard widgets and Windows Vista gadgets, Screenlets are small under-the-desktop apps including RSS readers, weather reports, sticky notes, etc. that add a great deal of functionality and convenience mixed with a dash of eye-candy. Screenlets play very well with Beryl and include a bunch of location preferences like always on top, always underneath, etc. Additionally, with the widget plugin for Beryl, you can hide and show your Screenlets exactly the same way you can with Mac OS X widgets. While there aren’t nearly as many Screenlets as gDesklets, kDesklets, or aDesktets, Screenlets tight integration with Beryl makes it a must have for desktop app lovers. Screenlets is a free download for Linux only. Screenlets [via Tech Enclave] [LifeHacker]
Featured Linux Download: OS X style widgets with ScreenletsScreenlets.png

Linux only: Open-source app Screenlets runs Mac OS X-style widgets on the Linux desktop.

Practically identical to Dashboard widgets and Windows Vista gadgets, Screenlets are small under-the-desktop apps including RSS readers, weather reports, sticky notes, etc. that add a great deal of functionality and convenience mixed with a dash of eye-candy. Screenlets play very well with Beryl and include a bunch of location preferences like always on top, always underneath, etc. Additionally, with the widget plugin for Beryl, you can hide and show your Screenlets exactly the same way you can with Mac OS X widgets.

While there aren’t nearly as many Screenlets as gDesklets, kDesklets, or aDesktets, Screenlets tight integration with Beryl makes it a must have for desktop app lovers. Screenlets is a free download for Linux only.


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