Last Updated on June 22, 2007 EDT by
Foxconn Brings DirectX 10 To The Broke Masses –
So you’ve got your Windows Vista and you want to get a hold of a little bit of that DirectX 10 action, but your bummer of a video card is being a buzz kill? That sucks. You’re supposed to upgrade that, but who’s got that kind of scratch laying around? Those cards cost an arm and a leg and probably some other stuff. Sit down, dweeb, Foxconn’s got you set.
Today the silicon-card maker announced two new cards made for DirectX 10 based around the Nvidia GeForce 8400GS. And they both fall in the sub-$100 category. Sure, that could mean $99.99, but it’s still a good deal. The cards are pretty much the same, though one has 256MB RAM whilst the other has a wimpy 128MB.
We don’t have a lot of details, just that they exist and will hit the market soon. Their maxrez (that’s maximum resolution, n00b) is 2,560×1,600, which is totally respectable. The core clock is 450MHz with 850MHz on the memory clock. I don’t expect you to understand that, but it basically means they’re not the fastest around, but still plenty speedy for under a Benjamin. Word.
Foxconn Announces Nvidia GeForce 8400GS Cards [ExtremeTech, via Slashgear]