Final Draft of GPLv3 Allows Novell-Microsoft Deal

Final Draft of GPLv3 Allows Novell-Microsoft Deal – famicommie writes “All of Novell’s fingernail biting has been for naught. In a display of forgiveness and bridge building on behalf of the FSF, ZDNet reports that the final draft of the GPLv3 will close the infamous MS-Novell loophole while allowing deals made previously to continue. From the article: ‘The final, last-call GPLv3 draft bans only future deals for what it described as tactical reasons in a 32-page explanation of changes. That means Novell doesn’t have to worry about distributing software in SLES that’s governed by the GPLv3 … Drafting the new license has been a fractious process, but Eben Moglen, the Columbia University law school professor who has led much of the effort, believes consensus is forming. That agreement is particularly important in the open-source realm, where differing license requirements can erect barriers between different open-source projects.'” Read more of this story at Slashdot. [Slasdot]
Final Draft of GPLv3 Allows Novell-Microsoft Dealfamicommie writes “All of Novell’s fingernail biting has been for naught. In a display of forgiveness and bridge building on behalf of the FSF, ZDNet reports that the final draft of the GPLv3 will close the infamous MS-Novell loophole while allowing deals made previously to continue. From the article: ‘The final, last-call GPLv3 draft bans only future deals for what it described as tactical reasons in a 32-page explanation of changes. That means Novell doesn’t have to worry about distributing software in SLES that’s governed by the GPLv3 … Drafting the new license has been a fractious process, but Eben Moglen, the Columbia University law school professor who has led much of the effort, believes consensus is forming. That agreement is particularly important in the open-source realm, where differing license requirements can erect barriers between different open-source projects.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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[Image courtesy of ElliottBack]


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