Google APIlity 1.10.3 (Default branch)

Google APIlity 1.10.3 (Default branch) – The APIlity PHP Library provides an object-oriented way to easily access and manage the Google AdWords API from within PHP. This comes along with an abstraction from the SOAP and WSDL details. [FreshMeat]
Google APIlity 1.10.3 (Default branch)The APIlity PHP Library provides an
object-oriented way to easily access and manage
the Google AdWords API from within PHP. This comes
along with an abstraction from the SOAP and WSDL


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DOJ Pushes Microsoft to Produce Vista SP1 Beta in ’07

Wow, Hey Bill Gates your OS sucks, please send a Service Pack. K Thx.
DOJ Pushes Microsoft to Produce Vista SP1 Beta in '07 - It's unusual, but confirmation of the availability of Windows Vista's first service pack came Tuesday not from Microsoft Corp., but from the U.S. Department of Justice. Tucked into the government's 27-page joint status settlement report released late Tuesday was evidence that Microsoft will put the beta of Vista SP1 into users' hands before the end of the year. The report also confirmed Windows XP SP3, but did not specify beta or final release dates, although it said some code would be finalized this summer.

Microsoft has been loath to talk about either service pack, but has been particularly mum about Windows Vista SP1, a widely-anticipated bug update that some enterprise users are waiting on before deploying the new operating system. As recently as April, when Intel Corp.'s CEO Paul Otellini hinted that Vista SP1 would likely release in October or November, Microsoft refused to confirm any schedule. "We will continue to take customer feedback from programs like the TAP [Technology Adoption Program], and will ultimately determine an official delivery date as the service pack is nearer to completion," a company spokeswoman said at the time.

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Malware Pulls an “Italian Job”

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Malware Pulls an "Italian Job" - A number of readers sent us word about a malware attack that has been underway since Saturday that began with the compromise of more than 1,100 mostly Italian Web sites. Websense claims that more than 10,000 sites have been infected by now, 80% of them in Italy. There are indications that most of the Italian sites are resident at the same large Italian hosting provider. Trend Micro reports on the attack, which is launched from a malicious Iframe tag inserted into pages on compromised sites. For visitors to these sites, this begins a cascade of "drive-by" malware downloads if one of several targeted vulnerabilities is available and unpatched. The first page to which visitors are redirected by the Iframe hosts a recent version of Mpack attack software. Panda has a month-old report on Mpack (PDF) that provides copious detail about its nefarious ways.

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Nissan’s Around View arrives in the US December

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10 Really Useful Flickr Grease Monkey Userscripts.

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9. Flickr Follow Comments - This useful script helps you to view images that you have commented on - but only those that interest you. If you are writing lots of comments every day you know how hard it is not to get distracted by the overload of images when you click “Comments You’ve made”. With this userscript you have 4 different options to see only certain types of comments.
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Universal Network Boot Disk with over 92 different network cards!

Very useful utility, especially if you need to use ghost on a network with non-standard hardware and network cards.
The Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk is a DOS bootdisk that provides TCP/IP networking support. It's designed for use in Microsoft networking environments, on either peer-to-peer or domain based LANs. Currently 92 different network card drivers all included, all on the single 1.44MB disk! Most people use this bootdisk for "Ghosting" PC's over a network connection. This disk will provide the DOS networking and drivers to allow the mapping of a network drive containing your imaging software and files. TCP/IP based image transfers, like GhostCast is also supported. About the Disk, Feature List...
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