GRUB for DOS 0.4.3pre1 (Default branch)

GRUB for DOS 0.4.3pre1 (Default branch) – GRUB for DOS is a rebuild of the GNU GRUB boot manager for DOS, and can be run under real mode DOS. It also has many new features. It can be booted through BOOT.INI of Windows (grldr) and kexec of Linux (grub.exe). It can directly boot NTLDR (WindowsNT/2K/XP), IO.SYS (Windows9x/Me) and KERNEL.SYS (FreeDOS). The disk emulation feature is another enhancement over GNU GRUB, and can be used to run legacy DOS/Windows9x systems with floppy or hard disk images. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes: A new option –in-situ for the map command has been added. Two syntactic operators, && and ||, have been implemented. is64bit, errnum, errorcheck, and hiddenflag commands have been added. PXE support has been added. Full NTFS support has been done. A lot of bugs have been fixed. [FreshMeat]
GRUB for DOS 0.4.3pre1 (Default branch)Screenshot
GRUB for DOS is a rebuild of the GNU GRUB boot
manager for DOS, and can be run under real mode
DOS. It also has many new features. It can be booted through BOOT.INI of Windows (grldr) and kexec of Linux (grub.exe). It can directly boot NTLDR (WindowsNT/2K/XP), IO.SYS (Windows9x/Me) and KERNEL.SYS (FreeDOS). The disk emulation feature is another enhancement over GNU GRUB, and can be used to run legacy DOS/Windows9x systems with floppy or hard disk images.

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

A new option –in-situ for the map command has
been added. Two syntactic operators, && and ||,
have been implemented. is64bit, errnum,
errorcheck, and hiddenflag commands have been
added. PXE support has been added. Full NTFS
support has been done. A lot of bugs have been


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CE-Oh no he didn’t, part XXXV: NBC sez piracy hurts ‘corn growers’

CE-Oh no he didn't, part XXXV: NBC sez piracy hurts 'corn growers' -

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Although some may argue that piracy is (at least on some level) beneficial, it looks like NBC has taken that sentiment to the opposing extreme with its latest comments. In a purported filing with the FCC calling for enhanced regulation of the internet in an attempt to stifle evil P2P activity, NBC blurted out a string of text that it surely hoped would be overlooked. Alas, hardly any ridiculous claims go unseen these days, so now we're faced with this gem: "In the absence of movie piracy, video retailers would sell and rent more titles. Movie theaters would sell more tickets and popcorn. Corn growers would earn greater profits and buy more farm equipment." There's absolutely no need for us to pick apart the aforementioned quote, after all, we're fairly certain the absurdity shines right through on its own.

[Via TechDirt, image courtesy of Monsanto]


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