It All Comes Together: Laptop roundup

It All Comes Together: Laptop roundup – Secure your laptop with the LaptopLock“Don’t let the creep who stole your computer paw through your private files, passwords and personal information.” Turn a t-shirt into a keyboard cover“Great for saving your lappie’s screen from keyboard scratches with an old or free tee, this project requires only a bit of cutting, ironing and sewing.” Stuff We Like: Laptop CushTop“Man, there’s nothing worse than frying your thighs with a hot laptop in the middle of some very important web surfing.” DIY magnetic power connector“If you’re familiar with the MagSafe magnetic connectors on the new MacBooks, this is a DIY version for Thinkpads.” Use your laptop as a giant clock“To always end your presentation on time without glancing at your watch (a gesture that communicates to the audience that you can’t wait to finish and leave), place a laptop on the floor in front of where you’re speaking, and set it up to display a giant clock.” Make your own laptop stand“I’ve always liked the iLap laptop stands, but I’ve never been able to justify the price…” Laptop Troubleshooting Tip: Re-seat your RAM“…the moral of the story might save you a trip to the computer hospital..” Video demonstration: Fix your wine-soaked laptop“Save your laptop from the heartbreak of liquid spills.” MacGyver Tip: Silence your laptop with snipped headphones“Repurpose those old crappy earphones into a laptop silencer.” How to secure your laptop for air travelPack laptops with soft foam or bubble wrap and place laptop bags inside other luggage to protect them from rough handling and to keep them inconspicuous.” Use your cell phone as a modem“You’re stuck with the laptop in the land of no Internet, but you’ve got unlimited minutes or a great data plan on your cell phone.” [LifeHacker]
It All Comes Together: Laptop roundup


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